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Soliciting Funds

Soliciting Funds…it has become an Industry
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS

I spent four hours, today, tearing up envelopes and paper, and removing personalized material from a 3-feet high stack of “soliciting fund mail” covering mail received over a period of three months. There are some worthy charities, that is true, but most of this soliciting mail is a nuisance because it is not wanted. For some reason, these organizations seem to believe that I am wealthy and that simply is not true. I have a meager income, just enough to keep my head above water, but I do contribute here and there. Let me provide some pointers to guide those who do the soliciting.

1.   Everyone sends me mailing labels. I do not need those I have, and I certainly do not need more.

2.   Calendars – I have more than twenty 2021 Calendars but only three rooms, so it is logical that I have reached the
    maximum I need.

3.   Rosaries and other religious items. I use one Rosary every day, the same one. Thus I do not need more. I am a devout
    Catholic, and if it weren’t for COVID19, I would attend Holy Mass, at least Sundays.

4.   Political mail is reaching the ridiculous. I can only vote ONCE. I know whom I am going to vote for and will not change my
    mind. So bug off, stop pestering me.

5.   Schools, and in particular homes for children. There is one such organization that sends me their mail every single
    month: more unwanted address labels, and other stuff I have no need for.

I do not contribute to Political groups because they do not need my support. They send out mail monthly and more often and they do not know who they send it too - it’s an industry. “The computer does it.” They could care less, even in the way this country is run, which is scandalously.

I am for charity. Charity is important; we have an obligation to provide for those who cannot make ends meet. I do send checks to places that I feel comfortable with, but what I do not feel good about is that some of these recipients then keep on soliciting. Stop sending envelopes that say “Your check is due on (date).” I have no obligation to send you anything. Stop sending nickels and dimes or checks…. If you can afford to send me money, then you do not need my check.

Also, do not threaten me with doom. If I do not contribute to your group, the world will not end. And letters like this will not even be considered. This year has been worse than previous years. Maybe it’s this wretched COVID19 situation but I think a lot of this is pure greed. And I do not care for that at all.

It all comes down to manners: if you ask me nicely, I might respond. In the end, I can afford to send my funds to only four or five groups or persons. I pray for many people who need help, even if I am not able to contribute. I strongly believe in the power of prayer.

Peace and Good

Fred Schaeffer, OFS 9/3/20


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