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Always stay close to Jesus

Always Stay Close to Jesus
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS


Our Seraphic Father was drawn to the Eucharist, the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. From his relationship to Christ in the Eucharist, Francis grew closer to all other Christians whom  he regarded as his sisters and brothers on an equal level to himself. Franciscans, therefore, give first place in their daily lives to the Mass and to receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. This makes an intimacy possible with Jesus which drives Franciscans with the fervor and zeal of Saint Francis toward the radical living of the Gospel which is their daily life.


A storm is on the way, I heard it rolling in from the northeast (I live about 2.5 miles from the Atlantic Ocean), and it sounded very threatening. The light flickered a couple of times but now it quieted down but still rumbling in the distance out there. During such times, one feels the need to stay closer to Jesus but we should always stay close to Jesus, and to the Blessed Mother, and of course, to Saint Francis, our Seraphic Father. And, there are many illustrious Saints whose lives have been a witness for God. Their lives give us inspiration and strength to live in like manner, building on the strong points in their holy lives, to enrich our own life of the soul.


The life of the soul, that inner life that forms the core of our relationship to Jesus, and through Jesus to our sisters and brothers - all that we do should turn around Jesus, and the examples He set for us while on earth. Isn't it wonderful that Jesus' public ministry gave us a well-documented structure of what is expected of us, as Catholic Christians and Franciscans. That's why we, and all Catholics should renew this memory of Jesus by frequently reading Holy Scripture. To reinforce  what we hear from the pulpit, if we are awake (myself included).


Let's face it, we try to be attentive to every word, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. As an old priest used to say: if we are never distracted, perhaps you should see a psychiatrist. It happens to all of us, and no one does it on purpose. We are contemplating very deeply. As  long as we don't begin to snore! It never ceases to amaze me that about two sentences before the end of Father's homily, I always emerge from my spiritual slumbers! I've always had a problem with "zoning out." When in religious life, the brothers asked me why it was that as soon as someone began a lecture, I'd visibly "zone out," by frequent yawning and closing of the eyes. I haven't figured that one out yet, I just hope Jesus will forgive my inattention. Most of the time it just happens without any desire to doze off on my part. And who knows, many other people have similar experiences. 


Mary, that unassuming and humble woman we know from Nazareth, who never ceases to contemplate her Son, who sits at the right hand of the Father, is Queen of Heaven and Earth. She is surely our strongest intercessor and help in our daily life. St. Francis of Assisi, had a deep devotion to Our Lady, because he knew she would lead him to her Son, Jesus. Thank her often for her Fiat - for saying, "Yes" to the message of the Angel. That act of obedience and humility has shaped the course of history and grace in our lives.


We need God's help every day, to cope with distressing news. During these last two weeks, a very close friend of mine got worse in his battle with throat cancer, and passed away. So many people are undergoing tough suffering as a result of cancer and other life-threatening conditions. Let us ask Our Lady, and her Son, to heal the people we hold dear who are suffering now, and from other problems.


 May the Lord bless thee and heal thee!


 Fred Schaeffer, OFS

 2008* rev. September 14, 2024

 (* In the years 2002-2016, I’ve written hundreds of Reflections; many are on this website. I get my ideas from the Holy Spirit and from these unpublished Reflections, or parts of them).


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