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Seeing God in ordinary things

Seeing God in ordinary things
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS


When Our Lord created the earth and mankind in seven days, He set something in motion that we are to finish. He continues to create every day, every second through us. A man and a woman, married, coming together, with the purpose of creating new life. At the moment of conception another human being, a man or a woman becomes a person of God-given dignity, a part of creation and a gift of God.


A baby being born is not an ordinary thing at all, it is a stupendous miracle, even though it happens every second or every few seconds. A baby is a stupendous miracle because he or she is not just a piece of flesh and blood but a living human being who is made in the image of God and who has intellect. Animals may be smart but they do not have intellect. For  the most part they cannot reason, they cannot tell right from wrong, and they do not know of God. They know when they are hungry and they  know to hide when they are threatened but it is all by instinct. This is not to say that animals don't have feelings, but let's get back to miracles.


Compared to the birth of humans, everything pales in comparison. It is therefore very sad indeed that so many people who do not want to have babies at a particular time, treat that precious human being as if it were a piece of garbage. That saddens me deeply. May God forgive them because they probably don't know what they are doing. Only God can make that judgment.


Aside from human life, that are many other and more ordinary things we encounter in our lives in which God has a definite hand. Have you ever thanked Him for the chair you are sitting on? And, have you thanked him for the computer you are using? He had a hand in making these objects, because the intelligence, the know-how, the materials, are part of creation. Plastics come from oil. Oil is the result of years and years of  fermentation of old plant life in the soil, deep down. We all know that God created plants, trees, branches, fruit, yes, the fruit we eat - and the wood that made the chair, too.


The paper we write on, or print on; the books we read, the flowers we buy for our partners, bosses, employees - and also the idea to give it to them. Gift of God, all of it. When you really, really think about it, there is very little that doesn't in some way come to us because of that very first  creation and the ongoing creation of matter, organic or mineral. And that is, why Saint Francis of Assisi and his loyal followers, e.g. Franciscans of every type, are so concerned about the environment. 


God has a hand in everything, we can thank him for what we have, and pray that those who are responsible people, who have some authority to change things, will do something so that gasoline does not become an endangered species! If it does, we as a people will be in serious trouble.


About species of birds and animals - let's protect them as best we can. Take the Swallow, that gracious bird that flies so well... a  neotropical migrant, that feeds on mosquitoes and gnats - if you have lots of property and this or other swallows occur in your town, they will control the insect population for you, at no cost. What a gift of God!!!


May the Lord bless you and keep you well!


 Fred Schaeffer, OFS

 2008 rev. September 13, 2024



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