Jesus wants us to be Happy
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS
The joy our Lord wishes us to experience outweighs any pain and suffering we might have in our lives. Jesus communicates with us through our conscience: that voice you hear so often. He wishes for us to be happy. When you make a concerted effort to avoid sin, and carry on a deep spiritual life, you will find joy and happiness.
I was thinking about this for several weeks now. Before 2002, I spent four and a half years as a Monk, a beautiful life which I miss. And since then I’ve rejoined the Secular Franciscan Order. I am happy being a Franciscan, and Saint Francis is a wonderful teacher.
Today’s Gospel, concerns the "Blind Man of Bethsaida". In Mark 8:22-26, let’s look at verse 24-26. Jesus asked the blind man if he could see (after Jesus tried to heal him), and the man indicated that he couldn’t see well. Then Jesus laid his hand on the man’s eyes a second time, and his eyes were restored.
A visiting friend asked me how that could be if Jesus was perfect but didn’t succeed healing the blind man’s eyes the first time? I had to think about that a while. I think Jesus is teaching us here that we shouldn’t expect to be healed immediately when we ask, but we should keep praying. And that is what we do with our intercessory prayer for sick friends, we pray daily, again and again. We live in an instant world, where dealing with computers we often get instant answers. Well, Jesus isn’t a computer, so treat him with awe and respect. When you pray for others, in prayer ask reverently, but do not demand. The Healing our Lord offers depends on many things, including our state of Grace, our intention, submission (detachment, humility) and our prayerfulness. So as they say, ask nicely!
Peace and Good,
Fred Schaeffer, OFS
February 19, 2025
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