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The pure of heart

The pure of heart

A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS


Today, I’d like to talk about Holiness or people who are pure of heart, dedicated to the Lord. Over the weekend I watched an “on demand” EWTN video called “They might be Saints - Blessed Solanus Casey.” I’ve never met Fr. Solanus, but I met a Capuchin friar who knew him well. This friar was my novice master when I was in the Capuchin novitiate (1958-59). I left the Capuchins largely due to my Dad’s illness (kidney cancer, not curable in those days) and Mom needed me at home. Fr. Donatus told me a lot about Fr. Solanus, and the EWTN presentation strongly reminded me of those stories, as does this scripture: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Mt. 5:8. Other applicable Scriptures: “But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” 1 Cor. 6:11b, and, “And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated in truth.” Jn. 17:19.


I’ve met a few people, over the years, who had similar qualities, a charitable, loving dedication to God and to the people they met, a strong prayer life. They also were good listeners. I met those in monasteries and friaries, also in convents (as an OFM Novice I visited a convent, and I had spiritual direction from a nun), but I also met a few very holy lay people. I miss my association with people like that, as I learned a lot from them, and a lot of that stays with me to this day.


One could say that all people on the Church’s lists of Blessed and Saints are holy, but most of us didn’t meet them personally. We read about them, and see videos if available, portrayed by actors and actresses. Fr. Solanus was portrayed by an actor in the EWTN video.


Sundays are a good day to reflect on God's wishes for us. He wants us to become holy in our daily lives. Holiness manifests itself when there is no longer any difference between our words and our actions. As Catholics we promise to love God and our neighbor (that means everyone) as ourselves. The intention to do so are our words. The action is when we do as we promise. We can stop sin in our lives. We have that power with the help of the Holy Spirit. God has given us a free will, so let us exercise that free will for the better. Heaven is not something you will earn five minutes before you breathe your last breath, if you have neglected it all your life. But God is merciful and compassionate. Heaven is earned by a life long pursuit of prayer (that is, talking with Jesus, with God) and comparable action. People who pray and pray, and every time they meet other people act foolishly, sinfully, are hypocrites. They are simply not acting upon God's goodness. So we may pray for them, not in comparison with ourselves, but simply asking God to bless them and make their hearts like His. That they may live in His presence now. "As a deer yearns for running streams, so I yearn for you, My God. In you is the source of life, by your light we see light" (cf. Ps. 42)


With God's love, we can, in His name, accomplish almost anything. His love nurtures us as it does a most exquisite flower. Don't shut Him out, but prepare each day to make Him welcome in your life and in your soul. Be joyful and grateful when He visits, and be Christ to everyone you meet each and every day.


Peace and all Good,


Fred Schaeffer, OFS

September 23, 2024


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