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Canticle April 2023

April 2023

Next Gathering

Sunday, Apr. 16, 2023

at 2:00-4:30 PM
*3rd Sunday*


Council Members
(exp. Feb. 13, 2025)

  Minister: Joanne Giordano, OFS

  Vice-Min., & *temp. Treas.: Jean McGovern, OFS

 *Secretary: Virginia Davis, OFS

  Formation Director: Fred Schaeffer, OFS


 (*) Functions re-assigned due to people moving; and,
       excused for reasons of health

Webmaster & Canticle ed. Fred Schaeffer, OFS

Fraternity website:

Meeting Schedule

 2:00 Opening, Reports, etc.   (All times are approximate)
2:20 Formation (Fred): Ch. 17. “The Mother of God...and ourz

         Mother., pgs. 188-194 in the Franciscan Journey, Upd.
 3:00 Social
3.45 Liturgy of the Hours: Evening Prayer
4:15 Closing prayers, Dismissal. Council Meeting & Cleanup.

We attend the 5:00 pm Mass together. 
Patrick's Rm. will be open at 1:30 pm [set up].


April Secular Franciscan Saints & Blessed

April 2, Palm Sunday / April 9, Easter

 03 Saint Benedict the Black 

 04 Blessed William Cufitella (d.1404) 

 16 (1209) Profession of Francis of Assisi and his 12
   companions in the hands of pope Innocent III at the
   Lateran Council.

 16 Saint Bernadette

 17 Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

 21 Saint Conrad of Parzham

 23 Blessed Giles of Assisi

 24 Saint Fidelis de Sigmaringen

 25 Peter of Saint Joseph Betancur (d.1667) 

 28 Blessed Luchesio, 1180-1250,(and his wife, Bona-


 30 Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo (d.1842) 

Area left blank for additional comments, if any.

Divine Mercy Fraternity gathers monthly, Second Sunday 2:00 PM (Apr-May: Third Sunday), St. Helen Church, St. Patrick’s Room in Vero Beach, FL 

New Paragraph

The Sunset

A reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS

Sunset is such a special time of the day. When the sun begins to go down the shadows deepen and the hues mellow. Have you ever taken a good look what happens to the flowers in your garden when the sun goes down? The colors mellow but only for a short time, they become more vivid. Many years ago, when I lived in New York, I dabbled with photography, particularly of wildlife. I remember a picture taken at sunset of a Kestrel (one of the small hawks) sitting on a stump, and its colors, tawny brown with gray on the head and back, were very soft and diffused but at the same time, they stood out from everything in the background. Well, it's a little like that with us too. When the sun goes down, when we're ready to kick off our shoes, oftentimes we begin to review the day. What have we done to enhance other peoples' lives; what did we do to bring Jesus to them? As members of the Body of Christ, we are His representatives. Did we play this role well or were we mediocre? Did we treat others in an even-handed way, or were we arbitrary, treating people somehow differently? (>pg 2) 

Divine Mercy Fraternity●Secular Franciscan Order●Vero Beach, Florida ● Apr. 2023, p. 2 

Cont'd from p.1.

As cooler temperatures are approaching leaves are daily falling in great numbers, leaving trees barer each day, there is a kind of a 'sunset' in the changing of the seasons. That stand of birch in the rear of our 10-acre property that still has some golden leaves in the crowns, against a backdrop of dark-green pines, seem somehow accentuated, as the sun shines on them. Not far from the birches, there are some trees and shrubs that are bare already and they stand against the deep blue sky in stark reflection of the changing of the guard. Every year, we become older, and hopefully, wiser. The older one gets, the more one thinks, at least this monk¹ does, of the time to come, the time I hope to spend with Jesus in all eternity. No, I'm not thinking of a physical death, but I am thinking of a sort of spiritual death, dying to the 'self.' This is a very different sunset, and one that requires much thought and grace. As I go into chapel very early in the morning when the house is fairly cold, it strikes me sometimes that, when we stand before the Lord to be judged by Him, we stand there naked. We stand there naked because we will know all our faults and the time for excuses is over. We stand there all alone, with no one to help us, not our husbands, wives, friends nor our parents. I've got the feeling deep inside that now's the time to examine what our life has been like and to see if we're worthy to take that step to be judged.

Are you going to gamble with your life in the Lord, and invent more excuses for doing what you shouldn't be doing, or are you finally going to get more serious about the whole thing. That whole thing we're taking about is the difference between life and death. I'm getting prepared, everything else is irrelevant! Sunsets, they are wonderful during summertime, when sunsets occur in the middle of the evening, you can still take a stroll outside to stretch your legs, although we wouldn't be doing this in the monastery; there we'd be praying Night Prayer! In fall, when sunsets occur earlier in the evening, we'd be in our study period or in class, and you'd probably be watching TV. What I think of TV may not agree with what you think of it. I only watch stuff that's rated G or PG and I really make sure what I am watching does not lead me into temptation. I still do. When you do that, you will soon find out that there's not much on TV that's worth watching. Nothing of “social redeeming value." During wintertime sunsets come even earlier, probably when we're sitting down for the evening meal. Maybe that's a good time for some family spirit-some togetherness and love.

Our community always eats together and, though sometimes we are silent or listen to spiritual tapes, there are other times that we speak with one another. For Jesus there was a sunset too; that was when He died on the Cross for us, to save us, to set us free! Let us make the most of the time we have left-not the most as in material things, but the most as in living a pious life, totally dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ. During autumn we had gloriously-colored leaves in reds, yellows, brown, rusty, etc. It didn't last long, in fact the peak was between Oct. 3-10. At sunset, all those colorful trees swaying in the wind, what a marvelous spectacle... a little corner of Heaven! Sometimes, when you have nothing else to do during a sunset, especially in Vero Beach by the seashore, take a walk along the boardwalk and carefully examine the waves as they gently, or not so gently, come rolling in... and then, in the approaching dusk, imagine a fisherman standing by the edge of the water. As you meditate on that, allow the colors you see to become more vivid-and soon you will see Jesus standing at the edge of the water. May He bless you and keep you and give you peace!

I am sorry I did not have a similar reflection written for Spring, The Spring season begins on March 20th this year.

Fred Schaeffer OFS
Orig. written in December 1998 but never published.
republ. 11/30/2022

1. I was a monk with a small Order of Monks, the Monks of Adoration, when “The Sunset” was written. The Order no longer exists.  

A Blessed Easter

From Divine Mercy Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order


Divine Mercy Fraternity gathers monthly, Second Sunday 2:00 PM (Apr-May: Third Sunday), St. Helen Church, St. Patrick’s Room in Vero Beach, FL 

Divine Mercy Fraternity●Secular Franciscan Order●Vero Beach, Florida ● Apr. 2023, p. 3 

Easter People

A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS

The Church is filled with Catholics, some very fervent daily communicants, many others certainly fine Catholics who attend Sunday Mass all the time. Then, there are people who call themselves Catholic who attend Holy Mass less frequently, that is, only on Sundays but never every month, or even every year. And then there are people whom you see in Church on Christmas and/or Easter only. I prefer to call them the "Easter People." A wise spiritual advisor once told me, whatever you do, it is uncharitable to point out one another's shortcomings. Don't talk down to people, meet them where they are at, and go from there. That's good advice, except I also believe in "fraternal correction," that is, pointing out to those close to me something that could benefit them as far as spirituality is concerned, perhaps. But be careful. We do not have the mind of God, and as a result, we do not know what others are thinking. Just when you get to know someone, you find out that you do not know them at all, and by making corrections you can do more harm than good. But if you listen to the Holy Spirit, and act accordingly, it all works out in the end.

"Meet them where they are at" works very well with Easter People - because you're not going to change them very easily... but one should try. Perhaps a subtle word, to the face you recognize, "I hope I see you more often...", or "We have a great place to meet at this parish..." - and tell them about a prayer group, or bible study group or some common meeting point where they may begin to think about their Faith without feeling pushed into anything. Some say Yes, others No - but that's their choice, and their choice only. Catholics, according to the "Catechism of the Catholic Church," an extremely well-written book, I would like to just quote one sentence: (Para. 2472): "The duty of Christians to take part in the life of the Church impels them to act as witnesses of the Gospel and of the obligations that flow from it. This witness is a transmission of the faith in words and deeds. Witness is an act of justice that establishes the truth or makes it known."

We are to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, but in order to do this, Catholics really should live a good Catholic life, and do a lot of reading, particularly in Holy Scripture, and the Catechism as well. We do not want to lead anyone astray, and, we cannot spread the Good News if we have no knowledge of it. The best way to spread the Good News is to live your life accordingly. I'm a Franciscan, (OFS), and as St. Francis of Assisi told his brothers in Assisi, to set such a good example, that words would be unnecessary, but he did not say "use no words." Being human as we are, we try to set a good example but only God is perfect.

So, dear Catholic, do spread the Good News to neighbors and friends, and even Easter People you know, by telling them of the love of Jesus ... and his mercy and forgiveness to those who are searching for it. There is a deep need people have, and that is understanding, and compassion. That need is not answered easily in this day and age, people hunger for God's love, and most do not realize that this love is so close by. What did the Lord say? "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." [John 6:53-56]

Catholics believe that the Holy Eucharist, received (usually) during Holy Mass, is Our Lord in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." (above) - so avail yourself of the Sacraments of the Church and receive Him again. In order to receive validly, Catholics must be in the "State of Grace." Mortal sin takes us out of this State of Grace, and repeated venial sin generally leads to mortal sin. Intentionally missing Mass on Sundays and designated Catholic "Holidays of Obligation," is a mortal sin. Reconciliation is needed before partaking of Holy Communion for people who are not in the state of Grace.

Please pray for the "Easter People." Right at Holy Mass on Easter or Christmas, that would be a great time to pray for all Catholics who do not take their Faith and its requirements seriously. Ask Our Lord to bless them, and forgive them for they really do not know what they are doing. What they are doing is throwing away God's freely given Love, and He loves them so much, all the time.

So if you really love God, do not just be a Christmas- or Easter-only person but be a full-time Easter person - someone who loves God 24/7! Or at least, try to!
Fred Schaeffer, OFS   4-5-09


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