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Stilled Infant Voices

Stilled Infant Voices

A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS


"These children cry out their praises to the Lord; by their death they  have proclaimed what they could not preach with their infant voices." The quoted sentence, is found in the 2nd Antiphon of Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, which we  celebrate every 28th of December, in the Octave of Christmas. The background here is the dream that stirred Joseph, to take Mary and Baby Jesus to Egypt away from the dangers imposed by King Herod's plan to pick up all children under the age of two and to kill them. See Matthew 2:16-18.


The text of the 2nd Antiphon is also applicable to the millions of Holy Innocents, infants and fetuses killed during abortions. As every Priest and Deacon will tell you, these, the unborn, who never lived among us, went straight to Heaven to be with the Lord forever. These brothers and sisters whose voices we will never enjoy hearing are proclaiming God's love and caring in a way that they never could have preached or instructed us in their infant voices. On this day in 2025, the day of the March for Life in Washington, D.C., it is a good day to remember these Holy Infants. 


There have been more than a million abortions since 1980, worldwide. On this day of the March for Life, let us pray that stony hearts will convert to the beauty and love of God. Catholics, make some time to visit your Church or Adoration Chapel - prayer before the Blessed Sacrament/Eucharist is the best way to pray for the end to abortion.


Peace and Good!

Fred Schaeffer, OFS




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