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September and Autumn

There is a lot to love about September and Autumn

Autumn begins on September 22, in 2022

The leaves on trees and bushes begin to turn from green to yellow and red and all sorts of colors in between. Depending where you are the colors peak at various times related to the weather. God's magnificent design at work...

But there is more...

I used to work in the airline industry, but in my spare time and on weekends I was involved with birds, lots of them:

Fall migration of birds along the Atlantic Coast is from early to mid-September through mid-to-late November or early December. I ran a Bird-banding Station on Long Island, New York at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary, from 1964 to 1968, where I applied aluminum bands to legs of thousands of small migratory birds. After that time, I joined an ongoing group of banders at Fire Island National Seashore (more or less near the Lighthouse). After 2 years of that I continued in various places in inland New Jersey, then began to specialize in Raptor (Hawks and Owls) migration. After I moved to Florida there was some banding of Snail Kites for and with the State of Florida. All these activities, at the time, were licensed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I retired from banding in 1994, having done it for 30 years. It brought me many friends and visitors, and a lot of joy! --Fred S.

Song Sparrow. This is an example of the small birds we caught and banded

(Image: Public Domain)

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