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Little Vexations are moments that can turn into Franciscan Joy

Little Vexations are moments that can turn into Franciscan Joy
by Fred Schaeffer, OFS


It does not take much effort to find little vexations in life that can help us turn these moments into Franciscan Joy. Some people are so happy, so often floating on air, that there are no challenges in their lives. Most of us find little vexations. I have a bit of a temper and that gets me every time. Little things: the pavement is uneven, and I stumble; the phone rings and it is the same prerecorded voice that says (8 times per day): “this is Susan, how are you doing today?” I sometimes reply, “Until you called again, I was fine.” Chain calls and worse, robocalls, are the bane of my day. They break my concentration: I get nothing done. She must have read my mind, she called again. Fifth time in the last two hours. Give me a break! I try to answer calmly but I feel like shouting. That’s not very Franciscan, is it?


I envy those who have patience, and keep it together and just hang up. If I must be vexed let it be about bigger things. Perhaps you have a son or daughter who is straying away from the Sacraments, or perhaps a family member straying into drugs. Those are not irritations; they are true human suffering. Many people are unemployed because of Covid, or sick, or they have lost friends. Those are not mere annoyances: they are causes of hurt. Some of us have friends who have Cancer, often life-threatening Cancers. I have Cancer as well although not life-threatening as far as I know. Chemo again tomorrow. And despite that I am joyful. Maybe it is because I’ve been a Franciscan for the past 27 years. Secular Franciscans, because they follow the Franciscan Rule, are cheerful people, because we know when we love God, we love other people and that leads to great joy. To get over stumbling blocks, we trust the Lord. He is an Everlasting Rock, a true friend who wants to help us and does. I place great trust in Him (see Is. 26:4)


Our Father in Heaven is a loving God, who does not bring suffering or disappointment. He told us “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you (Jer. 31:3b) He continues to love us with an everlasting love. It is that same love that we should pass on to others we meet. And then, when we find difficulties in life, we can ask for the Father’s help, in the Name of Jesus. He will bring everlasting joy. He will heal us.


Many people do not understand that to be healed, of whatever bothers them, be it sickness or family members who have not choses the wisest course, or folks we cannot get along with, or for that matter money troubles, it is necessary to put these troubles at the foot of the Cross. To unconditionally give it to Jesus, to the Father and have total trust in Him that He will bring resolution and healing. If you do not have the expectation that you will receive healing it probably won’t happen. One needs Faith to be healed! One also needs a clean heart, that is, repentance from evil, from sin, and from other worldly things that bring separation between a Loving God and us. But Jesus gave us a great gift: “The Confessional.” That’s the place where repentant sinners receive His Healing—that is the greatest miracle of all. Let us make use of these Gifts of God to arrive at Franciscan Joy so that the little things in life can be overcome more easily. Amen. Be at Peace.


Fred Schaeffer, OFS 
October 5, 2021



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