November Blues
In November, the sun and nature, even in Florida, slowly fades into winter. Rainy days, somber and bleak days become more frequent. Feelings of sadness, melancholy, even depression associated with winter; slowly appear, fortunately offset by the feast of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, this year on November 26, 2020, is a happy day where we thank the Lord and our Parents, Sisters and Brothers and friends for the good days we have had this year, despite the Pandemic. Then, a few days later, the Advent season begins.
The first Sunday of Advent falls on November 29. Advent is the time to let the light of the world shine in. It is a time of hope, of expectation as we watch the Christmas story unfold. During Advent we are introduced to a Woman, Mary, and to the Angel Gabriel who greets her with the words: "Hail, full of Grace! The Lord is with you." And Mary replied at the end of Angel Gabriel's message "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your Word." Mary was humble and obedient to God's Will.
“To celebrate Advent means: to become Marian, to enter into that communion with Mary’s ‘Yes,’ which, ever anew, is room for God’s birth, for the ‘fullness of time,’” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.) “Among creatures, no one knows Christ better than Mary; no one can introduce us to a profound knowledge of his mystery better than his Mother.” (Pope St. John Paul II)
St. Teresa of Calcutta: “No Mary, no Jesus.” A life begins with a mother and a father. So it stands to reason that our introduction to Jesus begins through our Blessed Lady, His mother.
In Advent especially, but hopefully all year long, focus on Mary by praying the Holy Rosary daily. The Rosary is the prayer of Mary, in the "Hail Mary", and the prayer of Jesus, in the "Our Father," prayers known almost instinctively by every Catholic. The Rosary brings us close to Jesus and Mary and with Holy Mass, and Reconciliation, brings us closer to Heaven.
Do something meaningful for your family to remind them of the Advent season. Acquire an Advent wreath with four candles and light one each Sunday morning. Have a member of the family read a little prayer as the candle is being lit. Pray for the integrity of your family, for health, for anything that needs prayer. The adage "Families who pray together, stay together," is true. Make prayer a regular occurrence in your family with your children. Single people can join a prayer group or pray alone. Remember, Jesus is always with us! We are never alone.
With all these beautiful prayers in our lives, the November blues do not last long. Please have a great Thanksgiving and Advent Season.
Fred Schaeffer, OFS (Nov. 13, 2020)