“We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!”
a Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS
Most Easter Mornings were spent going to Church, then visiting with friends for a nice brunch or lunch, but that was before the Pandemic. It was also before I became homebound, due to having no car anymore. Simply cannot afford it. I have had a car since 1965, until about four months ago (early 2021).
This Easter Morning, I wish all of you a Happy Easter! Only one day? Actually, it is not: We will be in the Octave of Easter for a a week and in the Easter Season until Pentecost. For devout Catholics who are active in Church, that is, not just going to Church on Christmas and Easter, we know that we are an Easter People! Pope St. John Paul II told us: “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!” We have joy in our hearts because we are happy all the time, happy with God’s blessing and Grace in our Souls!
I have many happy memories of Triduum through Easter celebrations. The most intense celebrations were in my years as a Religious, first as a Capuchin friar (when I was in my twenties); later as a Franciscan friar, for about two years, in the late 1990’s. Then more recent, about 19 years ago, as a Monk of Adoration. That order no longer exists, it died due to lack of vocations. In the end there were just three of us. I am still sorry about that because I was very happy there, but it was clear our Lord had other plans. A very active Secular Franciscan for almost 27 years, that is where I belong. When I was a Monk, I remember a few Easter mornings where we rode or walked (two miles) to a nearby Benedictine monastery to join their services. Those monks were excellent in their Gregorian Chant, singing Lauds and Holy Mass. One Easter Vigil, we stood outside in the abbey yard as they prepared the fire, to light the Easter Candle, almost impossible due to a stiff wind. Also, it was rather cold and with just habits on (no long trousers), I recall the sensation to this day. It may have been 20 degrees but I no longer recall. Inside the Abbey, it was not much warmer except no wind. There was baseboard heating but it did not do much good. Despite that, I recall how happy I was, to hear the bells and the Alleluias again after the long and strict fast of Lent and Holy Week.
In our monastery, a 100-year-old square farmhouse with a new addition for the chapel, there was always a heat problem. In winter we froze, especially on the second floor where we had our cells (bedrooms for monks) and mine had Northwest exposure. I had an electric blanket but most of the time I could not sleep because I was too cold. In summertime it was beastly hot in that little room. I spent weeks getting up at 5 AM to stoke the wood stove on the first floor which supposedly heated the whole house, but it did not. The wood piles were outside, that didn’t help either; we often brought some wood in so it dried a little. All this took place in Petersham, MA.
During the last 18-19 years back in Florida where we do not worry about winter cold most of the time, Easter Mass was for me at St. Helen Parish, a very nice Church in Vero Beach. This year (2020-2021) has been an odd experience. Usually tourists come down from Northern climes (where I live, mostly Canadians) but the Pandemic kept them home. It is very quiet here, that’s nice for a change but I miss the people. What I miss is the chit-chat one has with neighbors, friends - now everything by email and voicemail. I detest voicemail because advertisers seem to believe their message is important, so they use voicemail. They are totally unimportant to me, so stop interrupting me already!
Time for lunch. Be an Easter person and praise God with many Alleluias.
Fred Schaeffer, OFS
April 4, 2021
"bro. Fred's Reflections" © 2024. Fred Schaeffer, OFS
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