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We can make this a kinder world

We can make this a kinder world
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS


Yes, there is a way to make this world kinder ... all those in favor of this project, begin with yourselves! That's right, there has to be a new starting point, and if you're not a kind person, those around you will be put off. But if you do give out kind vibes, that rubs off on the next person you meet, right? Is that your experience too? "Well, there is nothing to smile about!" The economy stinks, friends can't find jobs, everything is more expensive than it was last month, the rent is going up, I'm a nervous wreck, what's there to be kind about? - All valid questions and concerns to be sure, but you can still be kind to others.


I was thinking about this the other day, as I began to realize what a blessing my friends and neighbors were - and their kindness was outstanding. A week ago, one of my friends gave me a big container of home-made minestrone soup, made by his wife. Praise God! God provided as He said He would!  A "kinder" world is one where people are not strangers to one another. Where people care for each other. Where people like you and me take an interest in others. If you try to engage someone in conversation, make it a witty comment, not a mocking comment, but start a conversation. Sometimes people are just not receptive to being talked to, especially by strangers. They are in a world of their own, and probably wouldn't even listen if they were spoken to.


Years ago, I was an active member of the working crowd for 42+ years in places where the pressure from driving and other means of transportation was really bad: New York. I lived in Queens County, and I subway'ed to NYC (Manhattan) each and every day for years. And in the old days, the subway cars were filthier, smellier, and more crowded each year! Standing next to a person who had eaten a copious amount of garlic for breakfast was like standing in a gas chamber! It used to give me instant heartburn! So glad the subway experience is behind me. Driving in NYC for 25 years, or for that matter in Boston and some of the other places I have driven had its own tensions, and driving through Miami, Florida on I-95 and other roads during the rush hour is also a challenge. Those are distinctly unkind times. But we do not always have the wherewithal to change our job locations to look for a kinder environment.


If this world were kinder, better disposed to one another, all these pressures in life would certainly be easier to bear. It does not help that every day we hear of crime, politicians who are stealing us blind, and who are living high on the hog while the rest of us grovel, and even the leaders of this Nation who just do not seem concerned with our concerns, but live in a fantasy world - that's what it looks like to me. The more talk goes on, the less I care about elections, but after the primaries are over and they are all finished asserting themselves just to make this grade, then I will get interested again who is left, and my choice will be a pro-life candidate, and in that I am unshakable. Some people tell me, you have to choose the best candidate, never mind how he or she feels about the sacredness of life. No, I will worry about the Sacredness of life. That is important. That is kind. That is what Jesus wants me to do.



Fred Schaeffer, OFS

September 29, 2024


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